Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Shrinking my 2do list

Today, I've really got some necessary things done and they are all part of my to do list for the tour.

Bought 2 pairs of sneakers to be able to compare them, deciding what pair to keep in order to avoid aching feet standing up on the pavements in the extreme heat. I think I have allready made up my mind but let's not get hasty here. I have a 30 days return policy.

Looked for a small camera bag for my Casio HS-15. All bags are so designed and therefore expensive so I was about to give up. I just happened to walk past the store Tiger and they had a very small back pack, not at all intended for cameras but perfect. Price: Eur 2 and most cam cases Eur 20.

Ordered an extra battery for my Casio HS-15 in case I will not be able to get back to the hotels to reload the battery. Price: Eur 16 and in most stores about Eur 60. Also, a good trade off, just in case the guards decide to take my cam, I can offer them to take the battery and I have another one for backup. How devious, allthough I'm alost 100% there will be no problems bringing a small cam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

30 dagars öppet köp är en väldigt bra grej! Utnyttjar jag en del, ibland är det ju bra att prova hemma.